Author Spotlight

Michael Chaiken

Michael Chaiken is the curator of the Bob Dylan Archive in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

5 Results
Salesman: For God and Company

Chronicling the trials of a door-to-door salesman in midcentury America, this incisive portrait of consumer culture revolutionized the art of documentary filmmaking.

By Michael Chaiken

A Few Riffs for Penny

The late D. A. Pennebaker once dreamed of being a jazz musician, but he instead found his instrument in a news camera that allowed him to change documentary filmmaking forever.

By Michael Chaiken

Pop: Ancient and Modern

With D. A. Pennebaker’s groundbreaking concert film, rock music solidified its status as a universal language.

By Michael Chaiken

Archive Fever Dreams: Inside the Bob Dylan Archive

In the inaugural installment of his new column, archivist Michael Chaiken examines the Nobel Prize–winning icon’s unique artistic process through a collection of ephemera.

By Michael Chaiken

Eclipse Series 35: Maidstone and Other Films by Norman Mailer

In the 1960s, Mailer, already a literary legend, was inspired by the avant-garde film movement to take a stab at his own, anti-Warholian underground cinema.

By Michael Chaiken